Wednesday, April 15, 2015

WIlliam and Elizabeth Morse Imigrants and Witches

Another Ansteor with trouble with boats or ship with water. In the Sumer of 1935 some fiveteen years after the first landing of the Mayflower some miles to the north a group of a hundred landed at a place they named Newberry. This landing party had left the port city of Southampton, England some time before.

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Grandma was right and I actually listen

This last month, February of 2015 has been usually cold and snowing. Records for cold and snow totals are broken nearly every day. First Plymoth, Boston and the rest of  New England were hampered every three  to four days, then the air pattern changed, the mid-west and south had there turn. It snowed three times in two weeks here in south

Monday, March 02, 2015

Doris Lloyd Love Story

  Doris Jean Hewitt was the fourth child born to Fanny Katherine Freitag and Cecil Ray Hewitt of the eight children three died at birth, leaving Doris the second of five sisters. She was born in the county of Preble located in the south western corner of the state of Ohio in the United States of America on 03 October 1923.   She married Lloyd Hapner in Washington D.C. during World War II on Thanksgiving Day, Early that morning in the southwest Pacific Ocean American light naval forces sank four Japanese destroyers and damaged. A fifth during the first hours of naval action fought for the first time in waters so close to the enemy's naval and air fortresses of Rabaul. A sixth destroyer alone escaped. On the other end of the war in Germany a second round of air raids attack the Germany capital of Berlin. Berlin was virtually paralyzed and isolate inferno Wednesday night, with large sections of its center bombed to flaming rubble by the second successive blockbusting night attack by British four-engine bombers. As this was taking placing thousands of soldiers were flooding railroad terminals, the streets and hotels in New York, Washington and Philadelphia in route to Europe. These large cities where filled with excitement and activities. Doris return to Eaton as Lloyd went to war. 
       Lloyd was the son of Goldie and Earl Hapner both residence of Preble county, Ohio.  On November 17th 1 1946 she gave birth to a son Stephen.  A day and a year later she gave birth to a second so Charles Bernard “Bernie” on November 18th 1947. They lived on Chicago Street in Eaton, before moving across town to High Street. 


Thursday, February 26, 2015

End of the Line

In Geealogy terms what does that mean ? I would answer, that  would be

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

This blog replaces a blog and a couple of websites I made and operated for years. I want to do something a little different, also a web companion to several printed pieces I,'ve been working on for years. Here lies an opportunity to encompass my passion of family, history, genealogy research with photography and  collecting various types of photography. I not enjoy history of all types, but I have a keen interest in how people fit in history. Accomplishments of family is very important to me and how their lives fit in this huge puzzle called life.

Why Nuts & Suchs

Nuts and Such, shook from the family tree of Thomas J. Akehurst is an attempt to share a portion of my work and pure enjoyment of  combining several of my hobbies and interests. I,'ve never been a person who needed to find something to fill his day.  Due to several surgeries, arthritis and a  condition called Narcolespy I have more bad days then good, so working on family history, working with thousands of pictures keeps me busy and from go-to self potty parties. My passion for photography started in the earlier 80,s, but l know it was my Grandfather Arthur Akehurst where I got the shuttler  bug. I minor in history in College and one of Nick names growing up was detective. In 1989 I started the wonderful world of genealogy. Over the next quarter of a century John have spent hours and hours go to cemmeteries, libRaries, hall of records, museums, historical societies, the library of Congress and many other places. usually with my family in till I have showed up at strangers homes, churches, meet people at gas stations, diners and other places. The invention ok the internet has been amazing, you can go back in history when your backs and legs will not allow you to  go in  next room let alone across the country or across the pond. With this new blog I will try to share some of my finds. while shaking my family tree all kinds of nuts, thieves, well at least a pig thieves or two, ghost, witches, drunk generals, kings and novelty along with their mistresses or cousin or both, have fell from the tree. I now know why I have had 2 close calls while canoeing, my family seem to always take t h e interesting path once climb in to a boat or ship. not always legally or fully understand n ding the concept of staying in the ship with land no where to been seen. my 8th great grandfather had his own ship back in the mid  sixteen hundred. One fine New England day he and his crew climb aboard and headed to England with a side trip to obtain some spices in the Carribean never to be seen again. As I continue to shake that tree moonshine stills along with shootouts fall out, civil war hero,s fighting for both sides, my wife's side had two brothers around ten or so sold Apple's and other produce along the road parrell to the m